Editorial Photography
The world of editorial photography is more than just works published in newspapers, magazines, and other publications. It is an immense, powerful moment marked in time that tells a story. The photographs are worked seamlessly alongside the words to elevate, entertain, and dive deeper into the subject matter. Due to their dynamic nature, editorial photographs are also able to stand on their own, telling the story in their eloquent way.
But how do you capture the essence of an editorial photograph? The best way to capture a true editorial image that provokes emotion and develops a deeper understanding of a topic is to work with a professional photographer with a strong repertoire of creative, editorial photography skills. But why?

Editorial Is a Different Type of Photography
Editorial photography is a vibrant escape that captures many things. From step-by-step culinary recipes to sporting events, to travel photography, and yes — even fashion photography falls under the category of editorial.
Photographers in this field not only capture raw, pure emotion, but they are also able to use their technical and creative skills to produce a visual narrative. Above all, the most important part of editorial photography is to capture an honest moment that is full of emotion and that speaks to the audience.

Editorial Vs. Commercial Photography
Editorial photography and commercial or corporate photography are two distinct genres of photography that have their unique styles and approaches. As mentioned above, editorial photography is more of a collaborative process used to capture a moment in time that conveys a raw emotion or tells a story.
Commercial photography, on the other hand, is typically used to promote a product or service. It is often used in advertising campaigns, websites, and promotional materials. Generally, commercial photography is used to create an image that is attractive, polished, and eye-catching.

Photojournalistic Photography
With editorial photography, the classic approach is to create an image that is “magazine (or publication) worthy.” In general, it is important to note that editorial images are:
Posed, created, and dynamic
Cleaner images with less busy backgrounds
Focuses and showcases certain aspects and personalities for the story
Photojournalistic photography opens the stage for less direction — more of an observer role for the photographer. Think of it as a “fly on the wall” approach to photography — capturing candid moments, raw emotion, and unseen perspectives.
Many photographers blend these two styles to handcraft a one-of-a-kind story.
The True Art of Editorial Photography
The world of editorial photography is an exciting and ever-evolving space that continues to be driven by talented photographers who strive to capture the true essence of a moment. Jack Robert Photography’s editorial experience spans across 33 countries and 48 states, capturing a wide array of editorial images ranging from culinary masterpieces to NASA astronauts. Located in the heart of Greenville South Carolina, Jack’s editorial work can be seen throughout local publications, as well as national publications including Business Insider, Forbes, Southern Living, and other notable publications.
Through a unique blend of creativity and technical skill, Jack is dedicated to creating impactful visuals that stand out and speak to the audience, and fuels the future of editorial photography.

The Future of Editorial Photography
Editorial photography has been around for a long time and continues to evolve. As the demand for quality images increases, photographers are continually finding new ways to capture the essence of a moment through the lens. With the rise of digital photography and the accessibility of powerful editing software, editorial photographers can create stunning, captivating images with ease.
The future of editorial photography is bright and full of potential. As technology advances, photographers continue to hone their craft, and the demand for quality images increases, the future of editorial photography looks to be as vibrant and powerful as ever. For more information about Jack Robert’s editorial photography services, please reach out to begin the process of bringing your vision to life through the lens.